Every year at BSPA we endeavour to support a charity especially during our BSPA shows where we hold a ballot with all proceeds going to our charity.
The choice of charity is often driven by the personal experiences or challenges of some of our Children at BSPA and this year is no exception.
BSPA Lisburn AM pupil David started BSPA six years ago at the age of 4 years old. David had already received a kidney from his father with the knowledge there was more challenges to come in the future.
This year has been a challenging one for him and a few months ago he had a second kidney donated by his mother. David is one of the most determined young men we’ve ever met and never once has he complained or let his challenges stop him from taking part in BSPA or doing extra activities and our summer productions.
We’re sure as parents you will understand how difficult life at times has been for his parents and so I felt this year it would be appropriate to support a charity that has been most beneficial to them and other patients.
BSPA is therefore pleased to announce that their charity this year is “Children’s Kidney Fund NI”.
Not only does the fund provide invaluable help and support to families but it also provides toys /crafts and gaming devices to make those long and tedious hospital visits more bearable to the children.
The Fund also contributes to the expenses of a Children’s team attending the annual Transplant Games and provides a family fun day which is invaluable to allow families to meet outside the hospital environment.
The Fund supports the education of the multidisciplinary team, keeping the renal team update with innovations and current practices in renal care and medicine.
We hope you will help the excellent work of the “Children’s Fund N Ireland” by supporting the Ballot at all our BSPA Shows.
Learn more about Children’s Kidney Fund NI
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